Editor's note: The topic of B2B buying consensus is crucial in Sales today. Several analyst firms, including CEB, SiriusDecisions, and MHI Global, have published studies on the...
read moreGuest Post: Mario Haneca of Showpad Talks B2B Buying Consensus
by Garin Hess | Mar 03, 2016 | b2b, consensus selling, sales, saas sales, customer buying, consensus buying
Providing the Right Tools to Buyers at the Right Time: The Key to Proving Value
by Garin Hess | Mar 01, 2016 | b2b, roi, business, sales, b2b sales, email, consensus
What makes a buyer agree to a sale at a higher price point, rather than digging for a discount?
read moreWhy Speed is the Name of the Game for Tech Sales Teams
by Garin Hess | Feb 23, 2016 | b2b, sales enablement, sales
Remember the days of long, comfortable sales cycles?
read moreConsensus Buying is Stalling Solution Selling and Disrupting Go to Market Strategy
by Garin Hess | Feb 15, 2016 | b2b, ceb, sales, b2b sales, challenger sale, challenger customer
"It’s important to note that a majority of B2B sales reps miss a huge opportunity every day. This is usually not based on a lack of intelligence, but on a flaw within many...
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Does Your Sales Org Have the Data to Call an Audible?
by Garin Hess | Feb 10, 2016 | b2b, sales, b2b sales
How does the timeliness and depth of your sales team's data affect your ability to pivot and adapt to changes?
read moreHow Sales Can Keep Feeding Buyers Content and Keep It Relevant
by Garin Hess | Feb 07, 2016 | b2b, blog, sales, productivty, consensus, productivity
In sales, half the battle is keeping your buyer engaged until they can make the decision and get the approval to say 'yes'. This usually translates into salespeople sending them a...
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Sales' New Challenge: Delivering Instant Engagement
by Garin Hess | Feb 03, 2016 | b2b, sales challenge, sales
In his January 26 post on InsideSales, Martin Moran shares this startling stat: roughly 60 percent of purchasing decisions get made before a prospect ever interacts with a...
read moreSaaStr: Your VP of Sales Shouldn’t Be Perfect
by Garin Hess | Feb 01, 2016 | sales, sales strategy, vp of sales, vp sales, sales hiring
"My real point is to do your best to optimize your VP of Sales hire around your target ACV. If your average customer is $50,000 in ACV, and you hire a great VP of Sales with lots...
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SaaStr's 48 Types of VP Sales. Make Deadly Sure You Hire the Right One
by Garin Hess | Jan 27, 2016 | sales, saas sales, saas, vp sales
"Many VP of Sales are NOT good at competitive sales. That may be fine depending on your market. But if your market is extremely competitive, make sure your VP Sales comes out of...
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From Siriusdecisions: Simplify, Focus, and Execute
by Garin Hess | Jan 25, 2016 | b2b, sales productivity, sales, Articles, productivity
“How many times have you read a published research brief, report or white paper and thought, ‘This is EXACTLY what we need to do!’ You shared the inspiring content with your...
read moreCut Through the Red Tape of Buying Agreement for B2B Buying Decisions
by Garin Hess | Jan 18, 2016 | b2b, sales, b2b sales, buying consensus
"When I think of red tape, what I think about immediately for a B2B complex sale - and marketing automation is definitely complex - I think about consensus. Consensus is hard to...
read more7 Data-Backed Sales Best Practices
by Garin Hess | Jan 14, 2016 | buying panel, b2b, sales, b2b sales
"Many of you have likely heard the analysis by Corporate Executive Board that B2B customers have completed nearly 60% of their purchasing decisions before ever speaking with a...
read moreThe Challenger Model and Sales Enablement - Better Together
by Garin Hess | Jan 12, 2016 | b2b, consensus selling, sales, b2b sales
"We know that a key component of effective Challenger selling is process discipline, and the Sales Enablement platform, well, enables a big portion of the required discipline. It...
read more7 Signs You Need a Sales Enablement Solution
by Garin Hess | Jan 07, 2016 | sales enablement, sales, b2b sales
By Hilary Bird, Marketing Manager @Consensus, @Hilbonix
read moreThe Proven Science How a Short Animated Video Instantly Grabs Your Audience’s Attention
by Garin Hess | Jan 03, 2016 | b2b, sales, Marketing, b2b sales, content, consensus
As a sales or marketing professional, how do you effectively engage with buyers of your product or service? Do you use phone calls, whitepapers, email, case studies? Sure, these...
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