
The Scaling Presales Blog

Explore original research and thought leadership for Presales, Buyer Enablement, and B2B go-to-market disruption.

    Garin Hess

    Recent Posts

    How to Gain Access to Key Decision Makers: What World-Class Performers Do Differently

    "Imagine you are traveling with your laptop and your smartphone. For some reason, you are stuck in the desert, and you have no Wi-Fi connection whatsoever. It means you have no...

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    It's Time For B2B Sales To Be A Little Bolder

    Are you killing your momentum at the end of the B2B sales process? I present an argument for bold, unabashed salesmanship:

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    Meet the Modern B2B Buyer(s)

    Shelley Cernal of Knowledge tree recently wrote about the "Modern B2B Buyer," and 5 things salespeople need to know.

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    This is Your Brain on Sales Personalization

    Wouldn't it be great if every one of your outgoing sales calls was received with unbridled enthusiasm?

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    Better Empathy: The Salesperson's Key to the Buyer's Heart

    Today's sales climate is based on the idea of relationship selling.According to a survey by Zogby and Velocify, by the time buyers fill out a contact form, they've already...

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    Effective B2B Sales Tip: Rethink Your Overreliance on Email

    If you’re a salesperson, chances are, you spend a lot of time in your inbox.

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    Effective B2B Sales Tip: Learn the Art of the Personalized Demo

    So much rides on sales demos, and so much can go wrong.

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    Build Stakeholder Support: Add Something New, Relevant

    Is there a secret sauce to build stakeholder support? What gets a large, diverse group of stakeholders to get behind one solution while they pass on others?

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    Effective B2B Sales Tip: Add Value From the First Email

    Want an effective B2B sales tip? Let's start with prospecting emails.

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    Are Your Salespeople Breaking These Customer Laws?

    Stop for a moment and think about your sales content.

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    Sales Study Shows Anxiety Around Creating Value and Insight

    When we talk about how to build customer consensus, especially in our new environment of larger, more diverse buying groups, the weight sits disproportionately on your ability to...

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    Does All Content Build Trust and Bring Stakeholders Together?

    Salespeople are encouraged strongly and often to share content with their prospects. In fact, content is often the most-discussed weapon in Sales and Marketing’s arsenal. More...

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    Helping Buyers Build Consensus is the Elephant in the Room

    As a sales person, you see the same “time-tested” tips thrown around a lot.

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    It’s Time For Sales to Track More Than Just Close Rates

    How do you know if your sales efforts are successful? If you were to ask most sales managers, they might answer, “Close rates.”

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    Why Sales Needs to Let Technology Do the Legwork

    Sales teams place a lot of value in doing legwork.

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