
Use Personalized Demos as Your Live Demo Follow-Up


This How-To Consensus blog is part of the Sales Development Use Case
By Brian Zurcher and Hilary Bird, @goconsensus

Enable Your Prospect to Sell Internally with Personalized Demos:

You just spent an hour or so reviewing your prospect’s needs and helping them see how your solution can solve their pain points. Now what…? Don’t leave your prospects out to dry by forcing them to try to remember every last detail you reviewed with them – and then try to relay your message to each stakeholder in their purchase decision process. Allow them to easily mobilize your message throughout their organization with Consensus personalized demos. Commit them to share your demo, and enable them with their own demo to do so.

  • Step by Step Process
    • Send your prospect a unique demo after your live conversation

      • *TIP* You can personalize the Demo Button through the Gmail and Outlook integrations!
      • *TIP* Include language about sharing the demo from within the demo experience
    • Keep them up to date on who is viewing the demo and what is important to them within their organization:

Use personalized demos to ensure that your prospect is equipped with the right messaging and tools so they can pitch internally. Allow them to become the sales person for the process; to have analytics access on who is viewing their shared demo, and how each person is interacting with it. Let your prospect take control of the buying process.

Now, learn how to use demo automation to get to closing conversations faster.

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Connect with our sales team today to discover how Consensus can empower your team with personalized, interactive demos, driving higher conversions, shorter sales cycles, and increased revenue.