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Single, Standard & Advanced Sales Demos…When to Use What?


Consensus offers multiple ways in which you can leverage video content. We like to break these down into three different types of “demos”:

  1. Single Video – Your typical explainer, YouTube, straight lined video.
  2. Standard Demo – One layer of “personalized branching”. After a short intro video, you can have a selection screen asking your viewer to mark what is interesting to them. Depending on how they fill out this personalization screen, Consensus tailors the view specifically to that viewer. What they mark as “Most Important” will show first, and as a longer video segment. What they mark as “Somewhat Important”, Consensus will show secondary, with a summary video. Lastly, it will take away what they mark as “Not Important”.
  3. Advanced Demo – This demo has two layers of personalization. You can first ask a persona based question; what industry they’re in, what role they’re in, or whatever you want to know about your prosecpts. Once answered, Consensus shows them an intro video that applies to their persona. Subsequently taking the path of a standard demo from there.

We offer a variety of “demo” types as they each serve a unique purpose in the buyer purchasing journey.

  • The Single Video

    • Marketing purpose: Our own marketing team leveraged the single video demo to increase brand awareness, eduation and drive lead generation. Our pricing page was our second most visited page on our website! Our marketing team created a single video of one of our sales reps talking through our pricing structure, along with a lead capture. That video turned our pricing page from frustrated web traffic, to educated, interested and qualified leads that ultimately increased our conversions by 125% (see the infographic here).
    • Sales purpose: Our sales reps are constantly using the single video as a way to reiterate important highlights from calls with prospects or summarize proposals for prospects-turned-clients. It’s a quick, effective and personalized way used later in the sales funnel, to make sure you’re staying on the same page as prospective clients.

  • Standard Demo

    • Marketing purpose: The standard demo journey is a great marketing piece on any website, almost anywhere. The time for a standard demo is best when you already know something about the prospect that makes sense for you to bypass the first branching stage. For example, if they have already started down the path of a particular module, it would not make sense to ask which module they are interested in. Instead you begin with an intro with a quick overview of the module, then ask them to personalize the rest of the journey based on features/benefits of that particular module.
    • Sales purpose: Again, you don’t want to force your viewer to fill out a field that you should already know. When sending emails directly to VP of Sales, I had better not ask him/her to fill out which role applies to him/her out of sales, marketing, or channel. To keep them engaged, you better start them directly down the sales path to explain why your offering matters to that persona.

  • Advanced Demo

    • Sales purpose: Typically when sending demos directly to prospects you like to start them down the journey that is applicable to them. However, once you’ve identified your champion it becomes time to educate the buying group. This is when an advanced demo can be helpful to send. As your champion shares the demo internally each decision maker can get a journey specific to their role.

These are only a few examples of how you can leverage any, or all, of these different types of “demos” during your sales process. Our clients and our team continues to find new ways to better position Consensus technology to improve the customer’s educational journey.

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Ready to take your demo-building to the next level?

Connect with our sales team today to discover how Consensus can empower your team with personalized, interactive demos, driving higher conversions, shorter sales cycles, and increased revenue.